Daily Targets

Targeted Daily Insight for Success

Microvera champions focus with its mobile app. Daily targets dance on team leaders' screens, dynamically synced with baselines. Proactive execution, fueled by real-time insights, minimizes delays and orchestrates on-point timelines and budgets.


Title Problem

Lack of Daily Target Awareness - Construction team leaders and site personnel often lack real-time information about their daily targets, resulting in a disconnect between

  • Planned activities and on-site execution.
  • This leads to project delays budget and overruns.


Empower your team with Microvera's daily targets

Microvera addresses this challenge by providing construction team leaders with a mobile app that dynamically presents their daily targets, aligning them with baseline schedules. This ensures that teams are well-informed and can proactively work towards

  • Achieving daily goals
  • Minimizing delays
  • Optimizing project timelines and budgets

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