• Construction Simplified...

Visualize & Experience

Visualize and experience your dream home before you even start your construction. Try on different wall finishes, painting, flooring etc. just like choosing clothes at the store.

  • Wall & Floor Finishes
  • Door & Window Styles
  • Electrical & sanitaryware
  • Compound Wall
  • Tiles, Garden, Plants, Trees
  • Walk-through and much more




Buildings Checked


Descripancies Found


Happy Clients

Estimation done right

Estimate cost automatically and effortlessly

  • Automated Quantities
  • Detailed Bill of Quantities
  • Estimate with increased accuracy
  • Forecast Monthly/Weekly Expenses



Building Rule Verification

Shows you potential legal roadblocks from the location and plan of your project Based on the local Building Rules.


Autogenerates P6 schedule and sets tasks and notifications accordingly to make surethat the project is completed on Schedule


Task based notifications and communications using mobile helps you to record and resolve issues faster.

4D Simulation

Watch your dream home come to life in 4D animation.

Check Environment Friendliness

Check your project how good in environment friendly such as using natural materials, less impact on the environment, etc

Progress Monitoring

Monitor the real time progress of your project. Anywhere . Anytime.



System generated schedule will help you forecast the finish date of your project. This resource loaded program enables you to see the monthly or weekly or even the daily breakdown of works to be done on site.

  • Standard Primavera Style
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Resource And Cost loaded
  • Schedule Dashboard
  • And other Printable Reports

4D Simulation

Watch your deam come to screen effortlessly.

  • Schedule and Update Comparison
  • Auto Schedule Update from Site
  • 3D Progress Reports


Progress Monitoring

Automatically updates the schedule based on daily progress recorded on the Consim App.

  • Actual Update
  • Autogenerated Forecasts
  • 4D Update


Collaboration tools

The Consim Mobile App helps to to be actively involved in the project, and enables you to monitor the progress of your project anywhere , any time.

  • Progress Photographs
  • Task based communications
  • Task notifications
  • Site Updates

Interior Design Changes

Try various options of interior design using different furniture and fixtures.

  • Generate 2D Plan & 3D View
  • Cost Calculations
  • Printable Reports
  • Custom Design Libraries

Electrical Wiring & Fixtures

Design your electrical layout or get suggestions from CONSIM.

  • Generates optiomum wiring network
  • Modify Fixtures
  • Aumated Estimates
  • 2D & 3D views
  • Printable Reports


Sanitary & Plumbing

Design your plumbing layout or get suggestions from CONSIM.

  • Generates optiomum plumbing network
  • Modify Fixtures
  • Aumated Estimates
  • 2D & 3D views
  • Printable Reports


sustainability check

Check the energy efficiency and environment friendliness of your project. And see where your project stands based on global LEED standards.(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is an internationally recognized green building certification system)

  • Location & Transportation
  • Sustainable Sites
  • Water Efficiency

  • Energy & Atmosphere
  • Materials & Resources
  • Environmental Quality

Landscape Design

Design your site infrastrucrure and modify as you wish with various options.

  • Trees & Plants
  • Compound Walls
  • Interlock Tiles & Path Ways
  • Garden
  • Swimming Pool
  • Water Well, Septic Tank, etc


Building Rule Verifier

Identify potential legal roadblocks from the location and plan of your project Based on the local Building Rules. With comprehensive reports,dashboard and early warnings, the Building inspector enables you to get your project started faster as most of the potential reasons for rejections will be nullified.

  • Verify the compatibility of your Project With local Building Rules
  • Identify and remove Legal Roadblocks
  • Start your Project Faster


Bring Your Dream Home To Life